Friday, April 13, 2007

Traffic Tip # 7

Often, people underestimate the power of message forums, as a webmaster, you can benefit greatly from them in two different ways:

1) Posting to forums in your niche.
2) Creating a fourm for your site.

Posting to Message Forums

To really be able to drive traffic to your site and make it interested for the reader is by you to become an expert in your field or topic. You gain credibility by offering advice and also finding solutions to problems people may have.

One of the great things about forums is that you can add a signature to your profile, so that everyime you post, a link of your website would appear.

What you have to do first is find a forum in your site's niche and become a regular member. Make sure to visit frequently and give good advice. Othertime you will build crediblilty and people will be more likely to visit your website, and take your advice.

One more great thing about posting message boards is that many of them are spidered by the search engines. The more posts you have on a forum, the more places your link will appear.

Finding Forums

The best way of finding a forum for your niche is just to simply use a search engine and type your keywords followed by the words "forums" or "message boards".

Create Your Own Message Forum

The benefits of having an active forum on a website provides many benefits to a webmaster:

  • Another venue to post ads
  • Build creditbility by posting helpful information
  • Creates more traffic because people will return to read and respond to posts
  • Many forums allow you to email your forum members, which can be used to your advantage for promation oppotunities with products.

To wrap this up, never ever create a forum without first getting a good amount of traffic per day. Many people start one without enough visitors , and it just sits there. An empty forum makes your site look unpopular and inactive.


stuntman said...

You have some very nice content, and it has helped me out a lot. Thanks keep posting.

Xeron said...

Thanks alot for your comment, will keep updated every day, glad to have you as a visitor.