Monday, April 16, 2007

Traffic Tip #11

Contribute to Other People's Newletters

If you have a website, then surely you have subscribed yourself to at least one that relates to your site's niche. If you haven't, then you newsletterdefinitely should. You can get many great ideas from other webmasters and gain lots of tips and tricks.

Lets say you have a website related to skin care, you can are providing tips to people on how they can cleanse and maintain their skin. One day you discover a home remedy that helps minimize wrinkles. You could write an article about this and contact other webmasters that have websites on skin care. Ask them if they could feature your article in their newsletter.

Make sure that the owner of the newsletter publishes your website address with the article. If they archive the newsletters, then you could have a permanent link on their site. Just remember that the more links to your site, the better it is.

Now, search the net for websites related to your site's topic. See if the webmasters publish a newsletter. Subscribe to the ones that interest you the most and see what it has to offer. Last step is to ask the webmasters if they take contributions.

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