Thursday, April 19, 2007

Traffic Tip # 12

Advertise in Pay Per Click Search Engines

There are many people that dislike that idea of paying for traffic, but in this world were getting in the top 10 search engine rankings is getting harder and harder to come by, PCC is really something you should consider.

Google Adwords and Yahoo Search Marketing are the two most popular PPC programs, and also have the greatest traffic generation potential.

The nice things about PCC advertising is that you only have to pay for traffic that you receive. Now if you have a good idea on your CPC and CTR, then you should be able to decide if PCC is useful for you. Most likely with this additional traffic through PCC, the CPC and CTR will stay constant, which can help you understand if there is profit in here or not. Lets say that your CTR is 10% and CPC is 10 cents. So lets say that you paid for 1k visitors via PCC, and you are paying 5 cents a click. Well with a CTR of 10%, then around 100 visitors would click on the ad, with a CPC of 10 cents, that means you make a total of $10. But how much did you pay for the 1k visitors, well lets take the 1k visitors and multiply it by 5 cents, that gives us $50. We can now easily see from here that this isn't worth it. You must be able to tell from your own statistics if its worth it or not, lots of the times it is.

Back on topic now..

Even though many popular keywords are very expensive, you can still discover "lesser searched" terms that are much cheaper.Yes, you won't get as much traffic as you would with a popular keyword, but remember that you would pay alot less. Plus, if you can find hundreds of cheaper keywords phrases to bid on, then sooner or later the traffic with add up.

Both Google and Yahoo provide great reporting tools so you can analyze which keywords are converting best for you. This is really important because you do not want to be wasting money on terms that will don't result in clicks,sales, email subscriptions and so on.

The best way to begin with PCC advertising is to start out small. Set up an affordable monthly budget, and then test several different types of keyword phrases to see which ones work best for you.

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