Friday, April 27, 2007

Free Article Submitter! ( Fully Free )

As some of you might have read from my last post concerning the free article submitter, and how I messed up and didn't know that it was a trial version. Well this time I have now is not a trial, it is the full version, but as it being free, it's not as quick as the free trial one. With this one, you must create your accounts on the article directories manually, and then when they open up the browser of the article directly, they fill in the information for the log in, and you must press on the log in then. Then it goes to the next page, and on the site you must then click on submit an article, and again this program will fill in all the article content you already added into it. So there is a lot of manual stuff you must do, but still it will speed you 2x faster. What I recommend is add the article directories that you know onto the program, like one's with a PR greater then 4, and stick with around 20-25, and just use those 20-25. The program already has around 100 article directories installed but the article directorie PR of those aren't that good. But anyway, just give it a try, Article-Submitter-Software


Dee said...

Thanks for posting this program Martin, I've been looking for a free submitter.

Xeron said...

No problem Dee, that's what this blog is for.