Sunday, April 15, 2007

Traffic Tip # 10

Publish reviews of products and services

This traffic method is not a common one, not many think of this one. But, it can really give you target visitors.

Go on to the site epinions, it a very well known site. Not only do people on there return often to post reviews for items they brought, but many of the consumers will use it as a guild before they make a purchase.

A smart way to get people coming to your site is to review products and services that relate to your website's theme.

Reviews are also a very good way on earning credibility and also building it. Lets say that you helped someone save money or refer someone to a product that solves their problem, will guess what, you just created a loyal visitor.

People that can see you as a credible source, are more likely to purchase products and services recommend from your site and are twice as likely to tell other about it.

You can also encourage participation from your website visitors by allowing them to post or comment on your reviews as well.

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