Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Return Visitors VS 1st-Time Visitors

Many of you can view on your counters how many Return visitors and how many 1st-Time Visitors you have, well this plays a huge role if your earning an income from adsense ads or any other adsense alternate. Lots of webmasters don't understand why their earning are so low and also their CTR (Click Through Rate). Well, I'll be going over that.

Who's Infected

I'm sure that the one's who owns a forum has a hard time trying to understand why their CTR is so low, well I'll explain. On a forum, the plan is to get people to register and keep coming back to your forum to keep posting. That's exactly whats harming you. There aren't that many variation of ads out there for every niche, if you have so many Return Visitors, then after some time, then each person would have seen every single ad, so they have no interest in seeing your ads, and that person doesn't help your situation. The more return visitors you have in your forum, they lower the CTR, no matter how well you place your ads. Now I'm not saying that only forums are affected, there are many sites out there that have the same problem, they keep bringing back the same people day after day, and it ends up that 65% of their traffic is return visitors.


This may not be helping your situation totally, but you should be seeing some results. As many of you should know, there are millions of advertisers out there on the web, and they all are not attracted to the same adsense alternate you use. What you have to do is sign up with 2 more adsense alternate sites. You should have three at least, now spread these three or more different types of ads around your forum or site, so now there should be a larger variation in ads. This will increase your CTR if done correctly.

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