Monday, April 30, 2007

Origins/Optimized of High Paying Keywords

Many webmasters create a high paying niche but most of them don't understand why its a top paying keyword, and the other half aren't optimizing their high paying niche sites.

Reasons for high paying keywords

For webmasters that are in niches that are related to drawings, arcade games, music, etc;than your most probably your wondering why your CPC is so low. It's irritating when you read about those webmasters earning $2-$10 per click awhile your starring at your 2 cent average CPC. Anyone who you ask, gives that broad answer " It's because of the competition in that your niche". Well guess what, that's not the full answer, that answer cannot help you in anyway.

Let me show the example which reveals your problem:

Low CPC Keyword : " Injury"
High CPC Keyword : "Injury Lawyer"

Where does the difference lie? Let's say your typing the keyword "Injury", what are you mostly looking for, most probably pictures, stories, how to cure an injury; practically anything for your entertainment. Now lets head over the other keyword; "Injury Lawyer", why would you search for that keyword. Your most likely trying to find a lawyer to contact, there is no fun in searching "Injury Lawyer" unless you want to make a case. What does that mean, it means that the conversion rate for "Injury Lawyer" is high. That's the whole answer! The higher the rate of conversion on a specific keyword, the higher the CPC would be for that keyword.

Optimizing Your High Paying Keywords

This is exactly where the traffic tip of updated content on your site applies. The more pages of unique information you have which contains your keyword in the text, the more higher count of high CPC ads you would have on your site, since ( Increase in Pages = Increase in Ads). You want to make sure that you use terms at the end of your keywords inside your text so that it will generate a high conversion if your keyword plus that term appear as an ad. You also want to have a wide range of different high CPC ads on your site covering the same niche, only way by doing that is to keep posting on your site or blog, so new advertiser ads can appear on your site.

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