Monday, April 9, 2007

Increase your site traffic by at least 100 Unique Visitors

Don’t you just hate it when you’re browsing through the forums and you see people posting their unique visitors per day that’s over the 1k count and even their Adsense earnings for the day that averages $500 daily. And then when you look at your site, all you see is the daily 9 or 10 unique visitors per day and pennies in your Adsense earnings. Well forgot about ever being stuck in that position ever again. I will be taking you step by step on increasing your daily traffic to over 100 more unique visitors per day. This article is mostly targeted towards the audience with new sites and in deficient of traffic.

Now, you may be asking, how much time will this actually take you for you to be able to grow so rapidly in visitors. I’m ready to answer that, it will take you about 4-6 hours of work, as soon as you’ve dedicated those 4-6 hours; you’ll soon be seeing the results. How soon you ask? Don’t expect to see a huge turnover in the day or the day after. It will take between 15-20 days to see a result. I’ll explain why later on. Now if your site is registered with Google Adsense, and you’d like to see your revenue increase, well then get ready to see your daily amount increase by $5-$6 daily for the first month. Those dedicated 4-6 hours, will carry over for months and months and your traffic and earning will keep increasing. The great thing is, the more hours you put in, the greater the results will be.

Step One:

Now, before you start going and increasing your traffic or your Adsense earning you must have at least 3 pages of content on your site. The more the content the better this will be, but 3 pages full pages of content are a good way to start. Big suggestion is for the website to be based on something that you know very well, not a keyword that will earn you more money, but something that you’re interested in and have some experience in.

Step Two:

If you haven’t already, create a blog on your site or for your site. This will be very important. Now, get ready to put 6 hours aside, as this is were the full dedication of yourself must go. Open up Microsoft Word and began writing an Article on your website topic. Pick a specific question about it or something that can be eye-catching to the reader. It should only take you 40 minutes to write the 500 word article. Make sure the article is filled with rich content, and original. Don’t go on a site and copy and paste everything and think this will all work properly. Once you have written that article, you now have to send the article to sites that accept article submissions and are well known. Fortunately I have a list for you ready below:

1) Goarticles
2) Ezinearticles
3) Articlecity
4) Certificate
5) Amazines
6) Articledashboard
7) Article-directory
8) Submityourarticle
9) Magportal
10) Isnare
11) Pubs.acs.
12) Article-hangout
13) Webarticles
14) Articlecube
15) ArticleBiz
16) Article-buzz
17) Free-articles-zone
18) Newarticlesonline
19) Articletogo
20) Findarticles
21) Impactarticles
22) Articlealley
23) Directorygold
25) Articlefever
26) Content-articles
27) Softwaremarketingresource
28) Niche-article-directory
29) Jogena
30) Collectors
31) Article-niche
32) Blogtelecast
33) Superpublisher
34) Articlecentral
35) Article-directory
36) Article-emporium
37) Ebooksnbytes
38) Ideamarketers
39) Internethomebusinessarticles
40) Site-reference
41) Stickysauce

These is 41 well known sites. Make sure to submit that article to every single one of them. Now, take that article you’ve written and paste it on your blog and your website. Make sure your blog contains a link to your website, and that your website contain a link for your blog. But, before you press that submit button, at the end of the article, add the url of your site. Wouldn’t hurt to refer to your site multiple times in your article. Now once you have that done, get ready for some more typing. You must write a total of 5 articles, I know this might sound tedious, but your efforts will follow for many months to come. Once you’ve completed the same steps for these 4 more articles as told for your first article, then you’re almost done.

Step Three:

This step becomes as effective depending on the popularity of your topic. Google in your website niche and then add the word “forum” at the end of the word. Now you should be able to see some forums related to your niche. One the first page of this Google page, join 5 of the forum sites. Spend the next 7 days dedicating a total amount of 30 minutes per day posting on all 5 of these forums. Make sure to run up a post count of at least 25 posts for each forum. Now inject your website in the signature, and hopefully you’ve developed a name of yourself in the forum already and make a topic concerning your website. But, never mention that it’s your own website, you don’t want them thinking your promoting anything. Act as a good buddy on the forums, as though you’re only wanted to help them. Now trust me, you should see the improvement within a day or so.

Guess What:

You’ve completed everything. These three simple steps will now greatly increase your unique visitors plus your Adsense revenue. I’m not into making people waste their time, but to actually show them a way, to get out of the newbie ditch quickly and legally. The reason why it will take around 2-3 weeks to see results is that many article submission sites require around a week for them to review your article and paste it on their site. So that is time you’re losing. I’ll explain how it works:

When a person reads through your ad, and is interested they will want to post this great content on their website, and they will be doing so with adding your site with the article to their website. Now the greatest way in increasing your rank standing with Google is to have as many backlines to your site as possible. The more sites that have a link on their websites, the higher you’ll appear on Google. Not only will that but people be able to get to your site through the kind people who posted your site and article on their website. With 41 sites multiplied by 5 articles, that’s 205 articles and 205 + links of your site floating on the internet. So each site article submission site already has 5 back links to your site, that’s a plus. Now, if you’ve written a quality article, then 90% of the people who fully read your article will click on your site url and get to your site. There you go another way you’re increasing your site. The only thing that you need now is that one person per 30 articles to include your article on their site with your site url. 205 divided by 30 equals Roughly 7 people with back links to your site. That’s pretty much only from the 10 days of the article being active, that number should keep improving. Now as long as the sites that have backlinked you are good quality sites with around 150 + unique visitors per day, you’ll be getting good traffic.


If your reading this article today and will get started on this today, then you can get those articles written up by the time you’ll go to sleep. Another 30 minutes of submitting to article submission sites, and your on the roll. Awhile waiting for the articles to get reviewed, spend time on the forums, get your link out there once they get to know you well. I give you a guarantee that your unique visitors will hop by at least 100 in 30 days. That number will keep improving. The main key comes from writing those articles, the more you write, the greater the results.

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