Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Use video's for traffic.

Awhile browsing through youtube.com and Google videos today I noticed how great it would be for marketing your site. Do you have any idea how many people visit these two video sites per day, your video will get distributed to the eye's of millions and millions. Now, that doesn't mean that they all would be interested in your niche, but still, there are a good plenty that are. How long should the video be you ask? It's best to keep the video between 3-4 minutes, you don't want for the viewer to get bored or not have enough information on your idea. With Google video, inside the video include before the start of the video the address to your site, and at the end of the video, include your website. And for the description mention your website twice. You've got a good guarantee of getting 300-500 unique visitors in a total of a week to your site if your video is created correctly only on google video. Same goes for youtube, stick the same video in and see the results.

There are a few things that you should pay attention to awhile created the video. If it is something related to making money, like lets say build traffic. Well we know very well that these video hosting sites are filled with teenagers. In your video mention how you can generate good sum of money by signing up with Adsense once you they have a website. Spend those 40 seconds of the video directing this message towards the teenagers, get them interested, every teenager wants to make big bucks, explain to them in your video that if they follow your steps and visit your website, they will find out more. So generally speaking, look at your website once again, can it attain the attention of a 15 year old, if it can then this method can really boast up your traffic.

Please stay tuned for the next post concerning this, links on how to create a good video will be posted.

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