Monday, April 9, 2007

"The Secret To Getting Listed In Google In Google in Under 48 hours"

You may or may not have heard people claim they can get listed in Google in only 1-2 days. It seems that nearly 100% of the people you run across in forums act like in order to get indexed by Google within 48 hours it's some miracle feat that can only be accomplished by doing some "top secret" marketing tactic or advanced optimization strategy.

Well, the truth of the matter is...

Getting listed in Google in under 2 days is incredibly easy!

First let's talk about what NOT to do. This drives me absolutely crazy when I see people doing this, talking about this, or anything related to what I'm going to show you below. It's actually what I did at one time as well. After you read this lesson, DO NOT waste your time doing this. I repeat... DO NOT waste your time doing what I'm about to tell you.

The following URL may or may not look familiar to you:

This is Google's actual website submission form. They state that you can use this form to submit your website to their index of websites and it can take up to 6 weeks for your website to be placed into their index.

I don't know about you, but 6 weeks is a heck of a long time to just wait to be placed in their index rotation, let alone get a top ranking!

Never Use The Google Submission Form. NEVER.

You should never use this form, or any other of the top search engine's submission forms. These search engines include Yahoo, MSN, Altavista, Alltheweb.

And, on top of that, you should stay miles away from any software program or service that states that they'll "submit your website to the search engines". Just take my word for it. Using software that submit your sites to the search engines is a 100% complete waste of time, effort, AND money. That, I can promise you.

So, how do you get your website indexed within 48 hours?

There are many methods, but for someone that has a new website and doesn't have tons of older websites already indexed by Google, there are 2 main ways I would suggest to get indexed into Google quickly. Note, when I say "Google", I'm basically referring to Google, Yahoo, and MSN... but you'll notice that I tend to say Google. This is because Google has such a large share of the search engine market.

Method #1

First thing's first, before I can teach you how to get indexed quickly, you need to know how search engines find websites. It's very simple.

The way that search engines find new websites is they'll visit 1 website that is already in their index (i.e. a website they already know exists), then from that site, they'll follow all of the links on that site, to visit the next site. Then they'll visit that website and visit all of the links on that page and so on... This is called "crawling". Search engines will "crawl" your website to find new information and place it into their index of search results.

Ok, so let's think about this for a minute... Let's say that you have a new website ( and you just created it. It's not indexed by any of the search engines. Meaning, the search engines don't know this website exists yet.

So, how would the search engines find out about this site? Easy... They need to find your site by following links on websites that are already in their index. Make sense?

Alright... now, once we know this, all we need to do is find websites that are already indexed by the search engines and get them to link to us. That's all fine and dandy, but it can be a little tricky getting others to link to your site, if they have no incentive to do so...

No problem, that's why we'll use this method I'm about to teach you, to get TONS of websites to link to your site quickly.

Write an article and submit is to the many article directories that the
search engines already know about.

All you'll need to do is write 1 article based on the topic of your website. Because our website is called, we'll write an article related to our website and call it, "10 steps to becoming the coolest guy on the block". At the bottom of our article, we'll include a link to our website (

Once we've done this, we'll visit many of the popular article directories on the web, and we'll simply submit our article to those directories. Once they've added our article AND link to their site, the search engines will visit their website, and then follow all the links on their site. 1 of those links will be a link to our site, and BAM! We're indexed by the search engines.

Method #2

Let's go back to our weight loss website from the previous lesson for now. First...

* Go to Google and enter the broadest keyword you can think of that's related to your website. In our example, it will be "weight loss". Once you've done this, you'll see a list of Google results.

* Browse through each website and pay particluar attention to the Google Page Rank of the website.

* So, as you're looking at these top ranked websites for the search term "weight loss", you should try to find websites with a Page Rank of 6 or higher.

* Once you've found several websites like this, you should search their website for their contact information.

* Once you find their contact information you should send them an email asking if they will link to your website in return for you linking back to their website. If you do this correctly and professionally, they will respond and will place a link on their website to yours.

Note: Obviously, in order to persuade someone to add your link to their website, you must give them a good reason to do this. So, always contact sites that are highly related to yours AND always think of a way that you can offer them something their visitors would benefit from if they add your link.

If you can manage to get 1 PR6 website to link to your website, you should be indexed by Google in under 3 days. If you can get 1 PR7 website to link to you, then, in most cases, you will be in Google's index in under 24 hours!

So, there you have it. 2 SIMPLE ways to get indexed by Google extremely fast. Now, when someone mentions in a forum, bragging about how they've gotten indexed by Google in under 48 hours... you can laugh to yourself and know that it's really not rocket science :-)


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