Thursday, May 3, 2007

Difference between buying backlinks

I'm sure that some of you invest into buying one-way backlines to your website or blog. Along the way you will always notice prices with such a big range. You can get a link on some PR5 for $10 per month and on another PR5 site, it would cost $40 per month. Most people think that this second site is just an overpriced site and doesn't know the market too well. Well those who think that are totally wrong, that price fits exactly the package that is included when you get your link onto that webmasters site.


Many of you should know that the amount of traffic that you recieve to your site has to do nothing with your PageRank. PageRank is 100% decided from the quality of your backlinks, the more and better quality your backlinks are, the higher your PageRank would appear. When you pick that offer of $10, all your getting is a PR5 backlink, nothing else. This person will always most likely have very little traffic to his site, so your only paying the 10 bucks for a backlink.
Now, the webmaster that is offering to put a backlink up to your site for $40 per month will likely have alot better traffic then the one with the $10 price. So your not only getting a backlink, your also getting additional traffic from his site.

So either way you can look at it, I would always choose the sites that have traffic and a high PageRank.

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